Forest School
The Forest School Ethos is a unique educational experience and process that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment. Children engage in motivating and achievable tasks and activities throughout the year and in almost all weathers. Children will work with tools, play, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, grow in confidence, self-esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.
The Forest School concept originates in Denmark, originally aimed at preschool children, where it was found that children who had attended forest school then arrived at school with strong social and communication skills, having the ability to work in groups effectively, generally had high self-esteem and a confidence in their own abilities. These foundations helped them to raise their academic achievements.
Our activities will depend on the ability and experience of participants. Examples of Forest School activities include:
Woodland management and nature exploration
Studying Wildlife
Building dens and other structures
Fires and cooking
Games and invitations for imaginative play
Natural crafts
Art and Crafts
Using tools, such as knives and saws
Scavenger hunts and adventure
Seasonal celebrations